Brock Matters – News2023-09-19T14:54:03-06:00

Keeping up with Brock

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It’s the bottom of the 9th, your team is down by one, batter up. The crack of the bat, the speed of the runner, the shouts of the crowd –
”GO! GO! GO!”

Byrne & Jones Brings HIC to forefront of field testing

Leading artificial turf design firm, Byrne & Jones, posted a great article recently pertaining to the importance of shock pads in field design and how the HIC Testprovides a much more encompassing look at field safety than using the G-Max test alone. Here is a little snippet, but […]

Bob Costas Warns of Football’s Dire Future if Solutions are not Embraced

Just one day before Bob Costas is set to be honored by the Concussion Legacy Foundation, news outlets across the country are releasing articles highlighting his concerns for the future of football. USA Today quoted Costas from a panel he participated in at the University of Maryland, […]

Plans to Build an NFL Retirement Community in the Shadow of Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium

Ralph Wenzel played in the NFL for 7 years, and began to show cognitive impairments after retirement. His symptoms were mild at first, he often misplaced checkbooks or lost wallets. Wenzel struggled with memory loss, re-coaching his youth football team the same drills, forgetting they had done them the day […]

Artificial Pitches: Is it Time to Review Performance Requirements? – by Sports labs, Ltd.

Whenever we see information of value provided by reputable research institutes we push that information to everyone we can. Research and science should drive industries forward and the sports field industry is on the cusp of a shock pad revolution. When leading […]

Should We Bring The “Standing-8 Count” Rule to Turf Sports?

Bennie Fowler of the Denver Broncos dove into the end zone in an attempt to catch a pass and came down hard on the turf. Seconds later Fowler got up and tried running back to the huddle only to lose his balance and fall back down. This play was immediately […]

We don’t make turf. We make turf safer.

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