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It’s the bottom of the 9th, your team is down by one, batter up. The crack of the bat, the speed of the runner, the shouts of the crowd –
”GO! GO! GO!”
Hiding Concussion Symptoms is a Dangerous Game
The NFL reported 244 concussions occurred during practices and games in the 2016 season. Following Gisele Bundchen’s claim that her husband, Tom Brady, suffered a concussion during the season, concern is growing that the NFL’s statistics may not tell the full story. Gisele explained, “He has concussions pretty much every […]
TCPN / National IPA Purchasing Coop Contract Awarded to Brock USA
We are pleased to announce our award by the TCPN / National IPA Purchasing Coop for all Brock underlayments for artificial turf and playgrounds. National IPA is a competitive bid purchasing coop for all state, local governments, school districts, and higher education institutions […]
Researching Expansive Force & Friction for Artificial Turf Fields
To design and install an artificial turf field successfully it’s important to understand how different materials behave under temperature and climatic changes. Many companies have varying installation practices so we studied the forces at work in artificial turf, and how those forces translate to edge details and the interface with […]
Lower Extremity Injuries in Turf with Shock Pads Study: Results are in!
A new independent research project at the University of TN Center for Biomechanics used live athletes to determine if the use of a shock pad (Brock PowerBase/YSR) under artificial turf changed the ground forces and the way the athletes’ bodies responded to those forces during various athletic movements when compared […]
Brock USA and US Soccer Foundation Making Safe Places To Play
Brock USA was welcomed into the family of partners for the US Soccer Foundation’s Safe Places to Play Program last week. With the involvement of Brock and AstroTurf, the national program will provide grants three times a year to under-served communities to transform unused, and sometimes unsafe, spaces into state-of-the-art […]